Thursday, March 17, 2011

Does Menards Have Clothes

Ferrara ago


was widely forecast that the three-minute daily Giuliano Ferrara, up with Raiuno his Radio London of 20.30, sparked controversy and in-depth analysis. The three episodes aired so far gone were not just a success, with plays already tending downward. Topics covered by Ferrara (for two nights at the three case Ruby) and the way in which the debate has aroused. But it was inevitable. First the character Ferrara, certainly charismatic and ruthless and aggressive dialectic. The exact opposite of Enzo Biagi (quiet and hardly over the top) of which "ideally" took place. Then why Ferrara is a staunch defender of Prime Minister Berlusconi , eye of the storm for weeks for the Ruby case. Another source of debate that preceded the airing the contract was that the journalist has signed with Rai. Three thousand € per episode, nearly a thousand euro per minute ... Continue on


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