Sunday, February 13, 2011

2010 Wishlist Football

Discrimination anti-Islamic: even worse anti-Semitism?

the face of Oriana Fallaci! An episode almost insignificant, a forwarded email from a good friend to the list of non-violent group to celebrate Day of Memory, calls into question the relationship between Jews, Muslims and the West: a comparison with ancient roots where nodes show no sign of melt today.
Discrimination anti-Islamic anti-Semitism is no less menacing, because, not infrequently, do not realize it either.
Here's my response to that message with the subject "so that I stop this message." Counts as a call to do the same occasion, since this is circulating cialtroneria impunity in all languages \u200b\u200bfor the past four years.

Dear friends, I am sure that the person concerned
fully share what I have to write and therefore I do not blame certain whether an email seemingly innocuous, in reality very poisonous, was received by her on this list. Being hasty is often unavoidable ... I speak
dell'altisonante message entitled "It seems impossible!" and the subject line "I do not stop this email, which made me squirm when I read that" Britain has removed the Holocaust from the curriculum school because "offended" the Moslem population which claims that the Holocaust never existed. "The" Muslim population "? Britain ? But here, I said, there is a colossal hoax, married to a lie shameless, which implies a monstrous evil.
It 's a colossal hoax Britain did any such thing, as can be ascertained from the site of the Holocaust Educational Trust, / content.php? page_id = 263
in that field knows a lot. This is an urban legend recognized and classified, which continues to circulate through this e-mail, from back in 2007. A very good analysis of its genesis and its contents is available at Urban Legends in where you look at the figures incoherent and ridiculous that accompany the solemn warning.
But this is not the worst. It 's the blatant lie that follows, when one attributes block to the "Muslim population" Holocaust denial. To accuse Muslims of such nonsense is really ridiculous. If some powerful a bit 'dazed kicked in a few shot, this has much more weight in the Muslim world, than he has in the West, the denial of evolution by some enlightened Catholic thinker. What the Muslims, if anything, are often observed is that the Holocaust did the Christians, not them.
could be observed also that it is not accidental, because the persecution of Jews that have marked two thousand years of Western history, have never been equal in the Muslim world, where even the Jews were protected by the status of "people of book "enshrined in the Koran. It may be observed that, from them, this protection was extended to Christians, with whom they have lived it for over a millennium in the Middle East. Might add that Christians do not have them never returned, so much so that in all of Europe under the powerful Christian is not never been a single Muslim community. If the Jews were alternately tolerated and persecuted the Muslims were not persecuted just because they were not tolerated, then were not there. They were exterminated by the enemy, the evil to be fought with all his strength, not a stranger to bear, perhaps with difficulty. It was the West to condemn the role of Islam in the absolute enemy, not vice versa.
It's about time that the West recognize that this is a serious blemish in his past, instead of glory as some do.
So the evil implies a blatant lie ever more dangerous: the fault of Muslims, they are the enemy. It even allow us to deny that we have exterminated the Jews!
Dear friends, anyone who knows me knows how much anti-Semitism is repugnant to me, if only because of the many Jewish friends that I find myself. So let me note that the risk that the Holocaust is forgotten does not bother me in the least, for it is most unlikely. Much more than I worry about the risk of anti-Islamic discrimination, which is far more real and dangerous indeed is among the most dangerous seeds of war that are in circulation.
The image of Islam that circulate in the West is very much steeped in ignorance and falsehood. Muslims know the West far better than Westerners do not know the Muslim world, a world that for a century in this part we have submitted, abused, duped, vilified and abused in countless ways, without knowing it and without understanding. It's about time to change course.
I can only hope that the wind of change that is now investing the puppet regime on the other side of the Mediterranean really opens a new chapter, but especially in the minds of western people.
the face of Oriana Fallaci and all his followers ottusissimi. A warm greeting from

Alberto Cacopardo


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